The 18th and the 19th centuries can be identified as the English era and the early 20th century as the German era and the late 20th century as we all know belonged to the USA. And now we are at the advent of the Indian era. Today India has become a prominent player in the world economy and the world is sitting up and taking notice. We as Indians have earned a respectable position in the world, our companies are competing globally and many have become MNCs. India has produced many globally respected leaders like L.N.MITTAL, N.R.NARAYANAMURTHY, AZIM PREMJI and many more. Indian shores are awash with jobs, while the western world accuses us of taking away their jobs. Though this is mainly because of the availability of cheap skilled labor, there are other reasons that can be attributed to these favorable winds. For one- post-independence India, though slowly, got more and more literate and was well equipped to take full advantage of the advent of the IT/BPO revolution. India had missed the industrial revolution but dint miss the computer revolution as a result today we have built companies like Infosys, Wipro and TCS which are today capable of competing with the bigies like IBM, Accenture etc. Having said that, i now want to bring to your kind attention the often underplayed potentials of the other industry sectors. One should not forget that we also have companies like TATA,BIRLA, L&T, RELIANCE etc. which have stood the test of time and made progress for decades. IT alone cannot pillar the entire economy of this huge nation, if these companies can match the growth rate that the IT companies have achieved, our economic position can only be further strengthened. God forbid, but if some day the tables turn and we lose the advantage that the IT sector has today, we should have something to fall back upon. The IT and the BPO industry today employs thousands of employees helping the vast pool of the unemployed earn a living which in turn promoted consumerism in india, consequently uplifting the overall economy of the country. It would be wrong to give all the credit to these sectors but nonetheless their contribution is greater and today India is looked at as more of a services destination than anything else.
Another important reason is the availability of a vast talent pool, for example Bangalore boasts of having the largest number of engineering colleges in the world. India being a developing and a poor country, this huge talent pool was available at a low costs. And in India the demand for jobs was always higher than the supply, consequently the educated almost had no choice but to take up these jobs in order to earn bread. Hence we saw an exodus of engineers from all branches into the IT/BPO sector in search of lucrative careers caring little for the field of their expertise. For example I have met architects from IIT working as software engineers in a leading IT firm on a banking software. I call it betrayal. They have deprived this country of potential renowned architects, considering the opportunities and the facilities they had as IITians. This is more prevalent outside the IITs. The IT sector has recruited about 700000 engineers so far and the figure is expected to reach 1.5 million in another 5 years. If this is the rate at which the engineers are getting absorbed in this sector, one can imagine how much of a loss the other sectors are suffering in terms of intellectual capital.
Now let us delve into the ramifications of this phenomenon.
Indian engineers have ended up becoming work horses and not creators or inventors or designers. We have all become easily replaceable clones. As a result we do not have Einsteins , Edisons, Newtons coming out of India. We do not have many patents or inventions from our country. There can be multiple reasons to this as well- for one, a majority of the population is still poor and the standard of living is still very low and therefore the priority is to earn a living, support self and kin and not to indulge in often expensive higher education (post graduation, research etc) or take up initiatives to actually create and invent. Engineers from all fields of study are aborting the specialization they acquired over 4 years. This will stymie the growth and development of the other industry sectors as a result we may never be able to over take china in the manufacturing sector or other countries in other sectors.
It is very imperative that we start thinking along the lines of the overall development of ‘corporate India’ and not just IT. One of the ways that this can be done is that the larger organizations (both private and public) encourage research and development in their respective fields of operation and make sure that substantial technological breakthroughs happen on Indian soil which may lead to potential revolutions in their respective fields. It is also important for them to take necessary measures to attract and retain talent and not lose them to the IT sector. Also I urge the student community to indulge in esoteric issues of long term enlightenment and not just mere money making ones. I also want to remind them that the very narayana murthys we admire today are the ones who chose to take the less trodden path and stayed loyal to their fields of expertise. I urge them to aim higher and try to immortalize their names in their respective fields of study as it is the only way they can truly honor the subject they chose to study. let us put in combined and concentrated efforts towards a holistic development of the indian industries and not just the IT industry. It is time we uphold the "diversity" we have always been associated with.
- sampreet
each word is bang on..i knw brilliant students who had bio in school,did mech engg,worked in IT..n did ter MBA !!! so at least 3 fields lost on ter abilities.. why duz an IIT'ian (havin t best engg facilities round) go 2 an IIM..???(n if he was manager material,then why rob sum1 else t opportunity 2 reach IIT ).. fame,money..is tat all wat matters..cos i think every field on earth has a pinnacle..n anyone can reach it,if tats t field u wanna live 4..die 4. so its bout time indians start taking risks..start experimenting..follow ter hearts..cos its never 2 late 2 b a legend !
i agree with u regarding the observations u made on unfair IT domination.most engg students,regardless of their field of expertise,want to be a part of infosys or microsoft.thats what we have been brainwashed to dream of.
yep.many IITians haven't lived upto the expectations.then again how many of us engineers elsewhere would give up a seat in an IIM?
if u have the capability and don't utilize it to become a pioneer,its a shame really.
but the mindset is changing.more and more students are rebelling against the always-trodden paths today.the IT boom will stay for a while.but the winds of change are here.
just because IT is hogging the limelight,it doesn't mean everyone else is sleeping.there is growth and there is talent honed by research patronage elsewhere too.look at biocon,hero,apollo,dr.reddy's labs...
stay loyal to their fields eh?
vinod khosla...one of the all time greatest venture capitalists..
an electrical engg major from IIT,
carnegie mellon(bio med post grad),stanford(MBA).do u say each of these fields has lost out on his contribution?he did a great job.
besides,NRN was basically an electrical engineer.
and why must we expect only corporates to indulge in research?they have made beginnings already.isn't the govt answerable?
whatever progress we have made is inspite of the govt.
i wanna say thank u kalam sir,for encouraging young minds to dream,dare and achieve.
good post there.began a refreshing thought process.
gem of an article.. i have betrayed my field of expertise mech. engg and some how sailed across to the IT.. ya exactly money did lure the engineers into this sector.. but my conscience is hurting even now for having betrayed my field.. hope i carry on with IT who knows one day may start a new company of my own and sure u get a place in that
this is indeed a thought provoking article...well, i am an IITian and hopefully put this in a new perspective...
changing fields is not a crime...and one does that coz when he realises that he is not going to make it good in that field...as in...i know that i am not going to go for a management course after my BTech coz i know that i am gonna suck at it..i am not a person for managing ppl and accounts...(pardon my views if they are wrong). I would rather be in a lab and do something interesting...does that mean to say that IIMs are loosing out on a good person? On the other hand many of my classmates want to go for management(...and not for research oriented work...which again is mostly in the US of A...)
One is disillusioned that everything in IITs is great and all the profs aer undeniable studs....au contraire we have ppl who dont even know what they are teaching...i have a flu mech prof who taught us vectors for 1 whole hour....what do you say to that...people like him will surely make a person who is interested in Flu mech give it up...basically what i am trying to say is that any student who is gonna pursue a PG course in the same discipline as his bachelors will do only because he loves one particular field so much and that liking arises only when its introduced to him in a nice way...
so you need to blame the profs here and not us....
and why is it that iitians are the ones being taken to task?? arent other colleges in this place equally good...prolly not in terms of brand image but in otehr aspects...they are pretty ok...
ANd as xtremely insane pointed out...there aer indeed lots of ppl who have switched fields and achieved a lot !
Hello ppl,
I am Ajinkya, a final year student of Mechanical engginering.
One of the most important reason, I think, for graduates to choose a field out of their course, is simply due to the absense of faith (not ill-considered)in themselves for being the professional they earlier chose to be. The absence of faith, here refer to their 'knowledge ' - that they dont have any(knowledge). The indian education scenario is very abysmal (barring a few institutes): the pedagogy is 'ancient' and irrelevant, the professors are mostly ill-equipped, and incompetent. (prof. are mostly graduates who didnt get a job elsewhere, and are ready to accept the pathetic pay packages thrown at them), There is absence of quality infrastructure. and most importantly, the indian mindset of 'chalta hai' and indifference that created a huge wall of mediocrity that surrounds us. In such environment,there is no scope for student to learn by the way of 'rational-enquiry'. If a student has to consider, 'whether is it appropriate to ask the question?', how could he ever progress in his understanding. The Indian success, if at all, is 'in spite of' the indian education system.
Beside, the curriculum is such that a student seldom actually gets to interact with things he is learning. If at all, it is a privilege to be thrust in the front in the crowd of 20-25 peers.
Besides, in India, we are classists. a plumber doesnt enjoy the same status as a doctor. which, btw, is a ill of our society.
The reason for India not producing any inventors, is its mindset which wants to 'make-do' with the present. In India, Enquiry is always countered with a raised-brow and seen as an affront. So, kids absorb this 'culture' and become averse to curiosity.
[There is such a indifference towards 'scientific enquiry' and self derision so rife , that it hurts to c a subject (mine is...rather, was quantum mechanics and thermodynamics) being treated such mediocrely..it makes u wanna cut it loose of any further association, 'coz it hurts.]
[please dont mind the grammar, afterall it was an outburst..]
Catch me at lovecentral.blogspot.com
its diffferent
Hey why u people make such fuss about iitians switching their professions. Let me tell you one thing, you are not obliged to do the same thing all along yor life what you started during adolescence. People should always find new opportunities...human always find new horizon ( that's why they are human) and act accordingly. You know what u are doing you (esp Rahul Batra and Sampreet) are just trying to vent your frsutrations which you gather in your life. If you have guts, go and snatch the IT jobs or management jobs that IITians are getting.
and let me remind you one thing about switching your profession.
If you have heard of Louis. D. Broglie, despite having his basic studies in History, he switched his stream in his late years to physics and won the NOBEL. If he were to stick his profession..you could not have heard anything about Quantum...anythign about nanomaterials...
Thomas. A. Edison, you know how he started his carear- as railway guard. If he were to stick his profession, you still woudl have been in "Lalu's Lantern age".
Newton-do you know what he has in common with IITians...he also was very flexible towards his profession. He did everything he wanted-maths, nearly all branches of physics, philosophy, music. You still call him traitor.
Do you want me to write more?
Sampreet would call these betrayals, I think its taking the right opportunity and going for what you want in life.
And the most important thing which you peopel always ignore is the percentage of IITians who gets department of his/her choice.
People make their choices during counselling.They make their choices on the basis of what they were exposed until then. They might be interested in Mechanical or chemical or computers at that time and it also happen that he gets his choice (you know what probability is there). But it is also highly probable that when he comes in different environment, he gets into touch with different things he developes and becomes more interested in other thing, his goal might change. And that is the characteristic of intellectuals.
IITians are going for IT, IIMs, journalism, economics, advertizing, writing and every bizzare thing (if you read news paper you would know ---politics------five IITians joining active politics). I think that is the best decision they make. They know what to do in their life and they can risk everything what they want.
you have no right to make any bogus remark. Had IITians not been making justice to what they are doing, you coudl have raised such issues. But with IITian, who are alien to their basic studies as u say, making equal fly as compared to their friends who sticked to their core jobs.
In IIT more then you basic courses what you learn is how to excel, how to define you choices, your goals, and how to thrive and achieve those goals. You learn to survive with excellence.
You know what made BRAND IIT, its IITian who made it. If they were to join the same flock, you would not have known and envied IIT. IIT is great because IITians can venture, can risk everything ..to come out as leaders. They have the calibre to restart and rewrite their life.
@Batra are you seriously claiming that fame is not important. Then why do you go for Tata Salt or some annpurna or some other branded salt. why dont you use local salt? Why do you go for branded jeans, why do you prefer pizza hut, Mc' Donalds etc. instead of going for street chat. Why do you prefer Star rated restaurants to ordinary one?
hmm..mr. meindreams..
2 start with i don need to vent any frustrations against t iit'ians..for one i din even take t JEE..n 4 12 yrs at school on numerous occasions(including marks) i've proved myself better than fellow students who eventually made it to t IIT..n hav landed a job with a top IT firm myself..also an iitian gettin to an IIM is not a measure of his managerial ability..but only of being able 2 crack t 3-hr CAT..
i've t utmost respect 4 an iitian simply for t hardwork tat went into his reaching there..
but tis is not about iitian/non-iitian..t concern is over all fields losing potential to t IT sector..
sum blame goes to these fields for not providing t financial/social security like IT..not attracting talent due to lack inspiring facilities/faculty/syllabus at t B.E level..
n though i'm all for changing fields 2 achieve job-satisf.. but sum blame has to go to t students 4 getting carried away by social/peer pressure..media hype.. n of course t money-aspect..cos as i stated earlier,money comes to t best in every field..but to b t best,u've gota feel for it..
so evry engg must think twice b4 entering a field n if possible try n build up on it..
sounds idealistic..will take sum time.. but its never too late..n who better than t iitians to lead t path to glory(in t engg fields)!
i am extremely disappointed to see that this has become an argument about the IITians while the point i tried to make is getting lost..
this was never meant at the IITians or the IIT... the one line that has refferance to the IITians is only used as an example... and the following line states that the situation is much worse outside the iits....
its appaling to see all u educated people not being able to understand the point i tried to make through the blog... instead u chose to pick on the one line about IITians...
lemme reiteriate.....
read again ... to get the point...
and i am not going to give any kind of explaination to those who have turned this around so drastically towards the IIT....
i really pitty them.. and feel sorry for them...
one gentleman has taken it to the extent of personal offence... i think he is naive..and lacks basic descency... i think he has not understood the point one bit... all he could read from the entire blog was the one line about IIT...
and sounds like a real snob... sorry boss.....its you who seem more frustrated than anyone else...
i guess IIT_JEE needs reform... they need to include a test of character...
and mister if u have any more personal offence to make... please feel free to mail me... my mail id is on my profile... and do not misslead people here...
hey nice read.
first let me start off by this question
whats common between the foll people
N. R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman and Chief Mentor of Infosys Technologies Limited.
Nandan M. Nilekani, Chief Executive Officer of Infosys Technologies Limited.
Azim Premji, Chairman, Wipro Corporation.
William Hewlett - co-founder of Hewlett-Packard (HP) Company
David Packard - co-founder of Hewlett-Packard (HP) Company
Bill Joy - co-founder of Sun Microsystems
Jerry Chih-Yuan Yang, co-founder of Yahoo! Inc.
John Warnock, co-founder of Adobe Systems Inc.
Karlheinz Brandenburg, driving force behind the most innovative digital audio technology, audio compression format MPEG Audio Layer 3 or MP3.
Seymour Roger Cray, supercomputer architect who founded the company Cray Research.
any guesses? all electrical engineers..
ok the point being, if u are good, u can excel any damn field.. and u are no longer restricted to one field..
ok rahul.. i know u are from an electrical background.. can u honestly tell me that u really know the electrical concepts in and out? not with the indian style of education.. its too exam oriented..
people think that iit's and iim's are the mark of the person.. to tell u the truth.. the iit and iim tag will fetch u the best job in the industry.but again..its left to u to perform.. and there is the point that its the individual and not the degree he holds.
see the people in iits arent the 'smartest' in the country.. to tell u the truth.. there are no patents by iit..and thats a real shame for the 'best' inst in the country..
and someone was talking about research in companies..
almost all companies i know ( in bang ) have a research department.. ok agreed 4 years back they did the dirty work for US compaies..but not anymore.. to give u facts.
average patents from hp india in a year is about 100 and that for auto companies is 25.. wipro/infy send 500 patent applications a year..so as i was saying, there is an opportunity..
its upto the individual to take it.
c my personal experience -..i got an offer from a company from my line of work.. they offereed me a training internship of 7grand..
another offer i got in the embedded line was 3 times tht amount..
obviously i took the second one..and though its nothing related to my education.. but i still love the work. so basically its upto the individual..
and theres nothing known as wasted education.. it never goes anywhere.its always wid u..
as one of my fav saying goes.. "if your farm gets flodded..learn to fish.."
Good Work !!
Nice thought provoking Blog.
I have similar views ,though i do agree IT/BPO industry has helped us a lot in tackling the soaring problem of unemployed educated youth but at the same time i must say .this is not where "brilliant brains" should waste their energy in,guys u can actaully make a difference in any fieldand india does need you there.
Myself a s/w engg. for last 3 yrs and i could see how "productive" we are this industry in 8hrs of a "working day" :-)
interestign post..
though i'm in no mood for a debate right now.ciao
Interesting post with intriguing comments.
One from my side too....
Well first let the IIT name be put aside for a while.
I surely agree that people switch their domains for a more lucrative option.
But then again, India is a democratic country and each one of us is free to choose our careers out of our own volition depending upon our capabilities.
a journey from an IIT to an IIM is a dream for every student, but then again, how many 12th graders know what is CS Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical. 50-60% people fall into a field just because of a simple reason, "Yehi mili thi mere rank par or papa ne kaha this is best"....Lets talk about innovation...how many homes encourage their children to take up other fields of study except Engineering and Medical.....and this is not the fault of the parents or the child....our society is a dynamite of a billion population..so how do you expect an artist to earn his bread..the point is that we guys don get any time to think about our interest....10th ke baad +2...+2 ke saath saath entrance ki prep...so just think about it...do we really get time to think..what is our interest....so when there is no interest, how can there be any kind of innovation...why google is stealing CEOs from Microsoft?..well just for one simple reason...they value the human recource...most you must have heard about the facilities in Google campuses...Awesome! isn't it....they don bother where you come from or what you have done...if you have it then hop on...and what i see here in India when an IT company is recruiting..."60% and above in 10th and +2 only need to apply, people from so and so place only need to apply, 80% in B-Tech only need to apply. So where do others go...when you can't value the human resource, how can there be innovation...does mere scoring well is the criteria that he will be more brainy)..i had people who crammed C++ programs for the exams....a guy crammed 51 programs for the Semester exam...and he was a good grader..).....so now..Innovation again strangulated..isn't it...
Ahh!...yes...Dr. APJ Kalam...well hats off to him...he is the only person who made an outcry when Google Earth hit the network...he knows what are the repercussions of that software....so many strategic Indian installations are visible to the common eye...and when a bomb blows of the scene, the ministers cry in the LS.....
A point in one comment says that Bangalore(oops!..bengaluru)...can boast of most number of engineering colleges in the world...but tell me how many of them are ceters of learning....half of them are just one building show...i don know what are the regulations of AICTE to grant approval to an engineering college....mere classrooms don't make a professional college....some don even have appropriate labs for the students...so the word "Innovation" is again kicked off.......How many industry-institution tie-ups do we have here?...When the whole set is diseased, the students are bound to enter other domains where they see a better future for themselves......I have seen people around me who prepared to "TAME"..the CAT and in the end they just ended up in some IT company and some took up MBA just for the heck of it...7/10 people in my college take a shot at CAT or other B-School entrance exams...Innovation comes when there is some security in the careers of people, when the government stops the trumpets of reservation(with all due recpects)....
---------------We all are partners in Crime------------------------
untill this changes......."Do what you want, untill your tummy is served"
"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"
.. .. ...
A commendable post, a brain scratching one :).
Although from the comments of people on this it seems that they concentrated mainly on the 3 lines of the IIT example out of the entire post of around 1000 words.
Well I feel engineering is not just about learning a particular stream its more about building up an apptitude to solve any kind of problem. More over I am sure that when likes of us join an engineering college we are not too sure what do we want to do, it is after 4 years of college life and interaction + experience which probaly guides us which way we wanna go.
About joining a different stream after engineering I guess its a total supply demand game. Today we are in the era of IT, none of us can run away from it. I know my batch mates who are Mechanical Engineers still they are in IT but into a division related to mechanical (I am talking of TCS). There are architects who are working with the brand building and advertising team of some product based IT companies.
Although there are lot of engg who are not comp sc graduates and are into software development but it is out of their choice, interest and moreover sometimes just out of money but if they are good at it then in my opinion why not.
About engginners going for MBA, i must say today MBA is about innovativeness, analytics and lot more. Engineers are found good on analytics because this is what we are taught for 4 years. This gelled with innovativeness and other qualities brings out a good manager from us.
And the last hard truth, I myself being an IITian know that its not possible for every IITian to get into the field which he/her has chosen for engg. Sometimes it is the interest and most of the times its abt the demand supply since at the end of the day we also need jobs :). Just imagine how many Metallurgical Engg. jobs India creates every year and that too good paying ones ;).
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